Monthly Archives: November 2013

I’m a 24 year old guy who recently graduated college and was lucky enough to get a decent job at a company I could definitely make a career from. I’m living in a new place and unfortunately don’t have any friends my age. In college I was a dating bust and never had a girlfriend while all of my friends had long term relationships that a few have turned into weddings. I kind of feel like I’m behind the curve and never had a good experience dating. What advice would you give to someone who’s my age and basically a complete dating newbie? – OnboardPants

Here is an answer from my last AMA that I think will apply to you about some of the books I think give a good base. Then, try speed dating a lot. Look at it as practice. Like you are a stand-up comic trying out new material. Try different things and see how people react … Continue reading I’m a 24 year old guy who recently graduated college and was lucky enough to get a decent job at a company I could definitely make a career from. I’m living in a new place and unfortunately don’t have any friends my age. In college I was a dating bust and never had a girlfriend while all of my friends had long term relationships that a few have turned into weddings. I kind of feel like I’m behind the curve and never had a good experience dating. What advice would you give to someone who’s my age and basically a complete dating newbie? – OnboardPants

What is the best thing to say when you are messing a girl on tinder for the first time? Can you please give a few examples? Also, I always get stuck after going back and forth a few times, how can I keep things interesting? How long should I talk before asking for a date? – temp515165151

Basically, any question others aren’t. Stay away from the norms like “What do you do? Where did you grow up? What school did you go to?” She’s heard these questions every. Single. Time she dates someone. Ask questions that have a positive emotional connotation to it. What was the best part of your day? What … Continue reading What is the best thing to say when you are messing a girl on tinder for the first time? Can you please give a few examples? Also, I always get stuck after going back and forth a few times, how can I keep things interesting? How long should I talk before asking for a date? – temp515165151

I stutter. Have you ever had a stutterer client? Do you think a stutterer would have more difficulty than normal when dating? – Gh3rant

I have not had one, no. Do I think they would have more difficulty? Yes, but only if they let it affect them, confidence-wise. Look at [the comedian] Josh Blue for instance. If he was totally self conscious about his cerebral palsy, it would make others uncomfortable. But because he’s fine with it, and teases … Continue reading I stutter. Have you ever had a stutterer client? Do you think a stutterer would have more difficulty than normal when dating? – Gh3rant

This might not apply directly to your field, but as an introvert and a rather socially awkward person, what could I do to just keep a conversation going with someone I just met? I find it just as difficult to do it with people of my gender yet have no problem talking to people i know well. – dayafterpi

Everyone gives you what I call “vocal triggers.” Every sentence gives you a clue to where you can take the next part of the conversation. If they say, “I’ve only lived here for a few months” you can follow up with “Where were you before? or What made you want to move here? or How … Continue reading This might not apply directly to your field, but as an introvert and a rather socially awkward person, what could I do to just keep a conversation going with someone I just met? I find it just as difficult to do it with people of my gender yet have no problem talking to people i know well. – dayafterpi

tips for a 15 yr old male? very comfortable talking to people i dont know that are guys. don’t really start up convos with girls, but not completely afraid to talk to them. I feel like most girls think I’m weird. Not very confident (as you can see haha) – Gkg14

Be honestly interested in what makes others tick. If you meet someone and they say, “I’m from South Carolina” ask a specific follow up question about it. Instead of saying, “Cool. Gamecocks, huh?” Say, “So what is your favorite thing about SC?” People like to talk about what they like and you will seem like … Continue reading tips for a 15 yr old male? very comfortable talking to people i dont know that are guys. don’t really start up convos with girls, but not completely afraid to talk to them. I feel like most girls think I’m weird. Not very confident (as you can see haha) – Gkg14

i think that i am a pretty interesting guy, and i can actually talk about myself quite well. but i do not. i either do not even start talking, or i lose the conversation within seconds. what is the best thing one can do against approach anxiety? what can one do to convert an approach into a conversation? – reditrator

First thing, set the correct goals. You’re touching on it in your last sentence. You’re looking at too big of a picture. Have something easy to find out. For instance, just find out what the best meal she’s ever had was. You’ll spend more time concentrating on asking that and it will make you less … Continue reading i think that i am a pretty interesting guy, and i can actually talk about myself quite well. but i do not. i either do not even start talking, or i lose the conversation within seconds. what is the best thing one can do against approach anxiety? what can one do to convert an approach into a conversation? – reditrator

Reading through the comments on here I have picked up a lot of tips, so I would like to thank you for those. I am 25, and I work a very professional job with long hours (CPA). I find myself not being able to go out and meet people as easy as I could in my college years (getting off reddit would be a start, am I right??). To add to my problems, I currently live in a small town. What would you say is the best way to get out and meet new people with a busy schedule? Thank you for your time. – FaceofStamos

First off, thanks! So if you were going to learn another language or sport, you HAVE to devote a certain amount of hours a week in order to keep growing. So, schedule time that you devote just to improving or dating. It will help to motivate you and WILL get you better. So I would … Continue reading Reading through the comments on here I have picked up a lot of tips, so I would like to thank you for those. I am 25, and I work a very professional job with long hours (CPA). I find myself not being able to go out and meet people as easy as I could in my college years (getting off reddit would be a start, am I right??). To add to my problems, I currently live in a small town. What would you say is the best way to get out and meet new people with a busy schedule? Thank you for your time. – FaceofStamos

Do you ever hear back from people months (or longer) later? Can you give an example of something positive and negative you’ve heard as feedback related to your coaching? Just curious! – Frabjous_Alice

Yes, we occasionally hear back from clients and we love it. A lot even come back for refresher courses. Best feedback I can think of recently actually from one of our client’s dads! He was a 23 year old Indian immigrant that had just finished college in the US. He went through our program and … Continue reading Do you ever hear back from people months (or longer) later? Can you give an example of something positive and negative you’ve heard as feedback related to your coaching? Just curious! – Frabjous_Alice

Can you describe the most difficult person you’ve coached? – Frabjous_Alice

Hola Alice! It was this guy that I’m pretty sure had undiagnosed Asperger’s. He could not pick up on social cues. Didn’t know that if a person turns away, the conversation is over. Didn’t know how to pick up on conversational triggers. Couldn’t see or understand body language. I could HELP him, but in order … Continue reading Can you describe the most difficult person you’ve coached? – Frabjous_Alice