All posts by Hunt Ethridge

I red The Game of Neil Strauss and although I thought that most of it was bullshit, I’ve been practicing the methods now for over 2 months and every weekend I got another close with another female. But the main problemis: it is not me. I’m just a sweet guy and not some lame doucebag that negs or is offensive against females. But before I red the book, I was to shy to walk and talk to a girl. The confendence part is true, but does negging etc. realy work on girls? Thanks :) – WhereEaglesHaveBeen

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Do. Not. Neg. It’s horrible to play with woman’s self-esteem. It’s manipulative, crass, and shows your weakness because you have to rely on “tricks.” In one of my responses below, I mention some other books to read to help. I think that you should almost be like a drug for girls. They feel so … Continue reading I red The Game of Neil Strauss and although I thought that most of it was bullshit, I’ve been practicing the methods now for over 2 months and every weekend I got another close with another female. But the main problemis: it is not me. I’m just a sweet guy and not some lame doucebag that negs or is offensive against females. But before I red the book, I was to shy to walk and talk to a girl. The confendence part is true, but does negging etc. realy work on girls? Thanks 🙂 – WhereEaglesHaveBeen

Hey! Awesome post! Do you mind sharing what you specifically studied as an undergraduate/ graduate student? I’m currently pursuing a PhD in Clinical Psychology and was interested in this line of work. Good Idea ? Bad Idea? Thanks so much for your time! – steroidwarrior

As undergrad I was acting/scriptwriting. The acting helps with poise, improv and learning how to hear “no” without letting it emotionally affect you. The writing is good because of, well, doing stuff like this. I got my masters for an MBA and I use a lot of business theory like opportunity cost, Six Sigma, data … Continue reading Hey! Awesome post! Do you mind sharing what you specifically studied as an undergraduate/ graduate student? I’m currently pursuing a PhD in Clinical Psychology and was interested in this line of work. Good Idea ? Bad Idea? Thanks so much for your time! – steroidwarrior

So teenager here, and I need a little advice. I currently do online school (homeschool) and am struggling with the fact of my male friends frequently forgetting about me because of me not going to school, and the girls I’m interested in I don’t have any relationship with other than seeing them every now and then. Any advice how to make people remember me and to start a friendship with a girl? – LIVE2KILL

That’s tough dude because school is usually the place that people are social and interact with each other. But one of my best friends did what you were doing. What he did was join the community theatre group. You’ll need to find activities in your town where you can interact with others of your age. … Continue reading So teenager here, and I need a little advice. I currently do online school (homeschool) and am struggling with the fact of my male friends frequently forgetting about me because of me not going to school, and the girls I’m interested in I don’t have any relationship with other than seeing them every now and then. Any advice how to make people remember me and to start a friendship with a girl? – LIVE2KILL

So what is the major differences in suggesting how a man approach a woman from one who is, oh say 16, to one who is 49. These may or may not match up to the ages when I was/am now dating. OK they do. – JungleSumTimes

Sorry (?) to hear you’re dating again. Biggest difference is that when young, being adventurous and spontaneous and energetic is a very attractive trait. Women above 35 really don’t want to to read a profile that makes it seem like the guy has a Peter Pan complex. So many middle aged guys try to sound … Continue reading So what is the major differences in suggesting how a man approach a woman from one who is, oh say 16, to one who is 49. These may or may not match up to the ages when I was/am now dating. OK they do. – JungleSumTimes

As an asian male who grew up in America, we have it much harder as men in the dating realm as lots of people assume that we’re not masculine and say some dumb shit about asians having a small dick. I know I’m probably going to get a “boo fucking hoo” reply from some closeted racist prick. Even if someone tells me that I shouldn’t consider race as I’ll for sure be getting those replies as well, race is still a big issue in America. However, I’m not going to really care about those that give negative, deconstructive replies as I have to ask the following so that we can better our dating perspectives. I’d imagine you have plenty of clientele of Asian descent that run into the issues I’ve mentioned. What do you recommend for asian men like myself to overcome these hurdles so we can talk to women, especially on more equal terms as with any other guy has? – inferno229

You’re right about race still being an issue. And yeah, most of the stereotypes are BS, but people can be ignorant. So MAKE them see you like any other guy. You’ve had the same upbringing as anybody here. So you may have to share more about what you do that’s “typically American.” She says, “I … Continue reading As an asian male who grew up in America, we have it much harder as men in the dating realm as lots of people assume that we’re not masculine and say some dumb shit about asians having a small dick. I know I’m probably going to get a “boo fucking hoo” reply from some closeted racist prick. Even if someone tells me that I shouldn’t consider race as I’ll for sure be getting those replies as well, race is still a big issue in America. However, I’m not going to really care about those that give negative, deconstructive replies as I have to ask the following so that we can better our dating perspectives. I’d imagine you have plenty of clientele of Asian descent that run into the issues I’ve mentioned. What do you recommend for asian men like myself to overcome these hurdles so we can talk to women, especially on more equal terms as with any other guy has? – inferno229

I’m a 24 year old guy who recently graduated college and was lucky enough to get a decent job at a company I could definitely make a career from. I’m living in a new place and unfortunately don’t have any friends my age. In college I was a dating bust and never had a girlfriend while all of my friends had long term relationships that a few have turned into weddings. I kind of feel like I’m behind the curve and never had a good experience dating. What advice would you give to someone who’s my age and basically a complete dating newbie? – OnboardPants

Here is an answer from my last AMA that I think will apply to you about some of the books I think give a good base. Then, try speed dating a lot. Look at it as practice. Like you are a stand-up comic trying out new material. Try different things and see how people react … Continue reading I’m a 24 year old guy who recently graduated college and was lucky enough to get a decent job at a company I could definitely make a career from. I’m living in a new place and unfortunately don’t have any friends my age. In college I was a dating bust and never had a girlfriend while all of my friends had long term relationships that a few have turned into weddings. I kind of feel like I’m behind the curve and never had a good experience dating. What advice would you give to someone who’s my age and basically a complete dating newbie? – OnboardPants

What is the best thing to say when you are messing a girl on tinder for the first time? Can you please give a few examples? Also, I always get stuck after going back and forth a few times, how can I keep things interesting? How long should I talk before asking for a date? – temp515165151

Basically, any question others aren’t. Stay away from the norms like “What do you do? Where did you grow up? What school did you go to?” She’s heard these questions every. Single. Time she dates someone. Ask questions that have a positive emotional connotation to it. What was the best part of your day? What … Continue reading What is the best thing to say when you are messing a girl on tinder for the first time? Can you please give a few examples? Also, I always get stuck after going back and forth a few times, how can I keep things interesting? How long should I talk before asking for a date? – temp515165151

I stutter. Have you ever had a stutterer client? Do you think a stutterer would have more difficulty than normal when dating? – Gh3rant

I have not had one, no. Do I think they would have more difficulty? Yes, but only if they let it affect them, confidence-wise. Look at [the comedian] Josh Blue for instance. If he was totally self conscious about his cerebral palsy, it would make others uncomfortable. But because he’s fine with it, and teases … Continue reading I stutter. Have you ever had a stutterer client? Do you think a stutterer would have more difficulty than normal when dating? – Gh3rant

This might not apply directly to your field, but as an introvert and a rather socially awkward person, what could I do to just keep a conversation going with someone I just met? I find it just as difficult to do it with people of my gender yet have no problem talking to people i know well. – dayafterpi

Everyone gives you what I call “vocal triggers.” Every sentence gives you a clue to where you can take the next part of the conversation. If they say, “I’ve only lived here for a few months” you can follow up with “Where were you before? or What made you want to move here? or How … Continue reading This might not apply directly to your field, but as an introvert and a rather socially awkward person, what could I do to just keep a conversation going with someone I just met? I find it just as difficult to do it with people of my gender yet have no problem talking to people i know well. – dayafterpi

tips for a 15 yr old male? very comfortable talking to people i dont know that are guys. don’t really start up convos with girls, but not completely afraid to talk to them. I feel like most girls think I’m weird. Not very confident (as you can see haha) – Gkg14

Be honestly interested in what makes others tick. If you meet someone and they say, “I’m from South Carolina” ask a specific follow up question about it. Instead of saying, “Cool. Gamecocks, huh?” Say, “So what is your favorite thing about SC?” People like to talk about what they like and you will seem like … Continue reading tips for a 15 yr old male? very comfortable talking to people i dont know that are guys. don’t really start up convos with girls, but not completely afraid to talk to them. I feel like most girls think I’m weird. Not very confident (as you can see haha) – Gkg14